> Forderungen
Foto: Ralf Krämer - Kindernothilfe
Auf dieser Website finden Sie Informationen zu HIV/Aids in Entwicklungs-
und Schwellenländern.
Informationen zu HIV/Aids in Österreich finden Sie auf der Homepage
der AIDS-Hilfen Österreichs
oder der Aids Hilfe Wien.
UNAIDS Reference Group on
HIV and Human Rights Statement Ahead of High-Level Meeting
Geneva, April 6, 2011-The UNAIDS Reference Group on HIV and Human Rights
has called on UN Member States to reaffirm the focus on human rights
that has driven thirty years of progress in the global HIV response.
The 4-page statement sets out five non-negotiables for Member States
as they negotiate the outcome document for the High-Level Meeting between
now and June 8. It states that the outcome document should:
1. Reaffirm the emphasis on a human rights approach that
mutually obliges rich and poor nations to fulfil the human right to
health and that respects, protects and fulfils the human rights of people
living with, affected by and vulnerable to HIV and AIDS
1. Reaffirm Member States' shared responsibility to realize
the human right to health by setting clear targets for funding the HIV
response from now until the achievement of the Millennium Development
Goals in 2015
1. Commit to utilising, to the fullest extent possible,
flexibilities under the TRIPS agreement to lower the price of essential
1. Renew and reaffirm Member States' commitment to the removal
of laws, policies, practices, stigma and discrimination that block effective
responses to AIDS
1. Reaffirm the centrality of people living with HIV to
the response as well as their human rights to non discrimination, treatment
as prevention, and meaningful participation The UNAIDS Reference Group
on HIV and Human Rights was established in 2002 to advise the Joint
United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS on all matters relating to HIV
and human rights. The Reference Group speaks with an independent voice;
thus, its views do not necessarilyreflect the views of the UNAIDS Secretariat
or any of the UNAIDS Cosponsors. For more information, please contact
Reference Group Secretariat Ralf Jürgens at rjurgens@sympatico.ca<mailto:rjurgens@sympatico.ca>.
33,5 Millionen Kinder, Frauen und Männer leben weltweit mit
HIV/Aids. Mehr als 2/3 dieser Menschen haben keinen Zugang zu einer
wirkungsvollen Behandlung. Die Zahl der Betroffenen steigt weltweit
aufgrund unzureichender Präventionsmaßnahmen; alle 10
Sekunden stirbt ein Mensch an AIDS.
HIV/Aids betrifft alle Lebensbereiche. Die menschlichen, wirtschaftlichen
und sozialen Auswirkungen sind dramatisch.
Angesichts dieser Dimensionen besteht weltweiter Handlungsbedarf.
Stärkerer Einsatz für Prävention, Pflege und Zugang
zu wirkungsvoller Behandlung und Sorge für Waisen ist gefordert.
> Forderungen |